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Our Story

Gales Dental has been established for 30+ years. Gales 3D Dental have successfully been making clear aligners for over 8 years. UltraClearAlign is an invisible adult brace created in h​ouse at Gales 3D Dental. We have created an in-house system that allows us to provide dentists and patients with a fast and efficient course of treatment which is cheaper than leading labs. Our state-of-the-art 3D scanners, software and printers allow us to provide a professional product. We use the same equipment and software that leading invisible brace suppliers use however at a lower cost. Our registered technicians complete every stage from scanning and treatment planning to manufacturing. Everything is completed in house in our UK based laboratory.

Our Vision and Values


A few reasons to consider straightening teeth with UltraClearAlign


UltraClearAlign are lucky to be one of the few digital dental laboratories that  test demo software which means we are constantly at the forefront of new  technology when it becomes available.

Quality assured

After years of testing various materials on the market and trialling different  thicknesses we can now create appliances with aligner specific material of  the highest quality to aid tooth movements whilst ensuring maximum patient  comfort. We run quality assurance tests ourselves in the lab to test material  durability, comfort and discreetness

Varied services

Our aligners are custom made specific to the doctor prescription. Everybody  has a preferred style of work and that’s okay! We will work together to  produce aligners catered to your preferences.

Transparent pricing

You will find no hidden costs with the aligner pricing structure.  UltraClearAlign ensures aligners are accessible to more dentists and  their patients.

Bundled services

UltraClearAlign provide flexible treatment options with a choice of  premium and premium plus packs.

High client satisfaction ratings

Take a peek at our testimonials and our before/after images

Gales 3D Dental

4 Central Stores, Roding Road,

Loughton, Essex, IG10 3EN

0208 5025274

73 Copse Hill, Harlow,

Essex, CM19 4PW

07903 557562

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